Thursday, May 13, 2010

Here’s the update about my experiment

None of the eggs hatched, so we are putting in some more eggs. I think that the shell was too thick, so the chicks couldn’t get out. The humidity level may have been too low, so it may have not softened the shell. We opened up an egg that was not going to make it, it was at 23 days it had a chick that was still alive, but the chick died right away.

This time we aren’t going to open the incubator any more than we have to. We will only open it to rotate them, we won't even to candle the eggs. We went and bought 6 baby chicks that were only a day old. The chicks are so soft and cute, so I am holding them all the time.


  1. I hope it works better for you this time around. Enjoy the new chicks that you do have. Love, Dad

  2. When are you going to put the next batch of eggs in the incubator? We miss you, how was your trip to Hawaii?

