Monday, June 7, 2010

These are some pictures of the chicks that we bought. They are 5 weeks old. These chicks love worms, if they get fed a worm they get it in their mouth and run around so the other chicks cant get it. The chicks like to be hand fed, so we try to feed them worms or chicken feed by hand. The chicks also like to be held up high above the ground, either standing on your hand or sitting on a shoulder. It looks as if their wing span is about 10 inches long, and their length is probably 8 inches.

1 comment:

  1. Things have changed from nothing hatching to the crazy chicks hatching every day. I have been sharing your blog with a lady I work with; she is so excited to watch what is going on as I am. She had chickens as a child and would love to have them now. You have been doing a great job taking care of everything it takes to have a healthy chicken farm. I love the picture of the chicken on your shoulder. I am curious to see how many rosters you will end up with. Love you Grandma Judi

