Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
These are our four new chicks that have hatched this week. We finally have a chick we think will be a white hen. We now have a grand total of 16 chicks. We aren't going to name them now because their feathers aren't the color that they will be when they are fully grown. In the picture you can see in the water there are marbles in it so if they fall in they don't drown. From the chicks we hatched we have 5 that are black/grey, 4 that are brownish, and 1 that is white.
Monday, June 7, 2010
These are some pictures of the chicks that we bought. They are 5 weeks old. These chicks love worms, if they get fed a worm they get it in their mouth and run around so the other chicks cant get it. The chicks like to be hand fed, so we try to feed them worms or chicken feed by hand. The chicks also like to be held up high above the ground, either standing on your hand or sitting on a shoulder. It looks as if their wing span is about 10 inches long, and their length is probably 8 inches.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Video of Chick Hatching
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Egg Chart
date | egg # | egg color | peeping/hatching | removed | chick color & health |
10-May | #1 | brown | | | |
10-May | #2 | brown | 30-May | 31-May | orange/brown healthy |
11-May | #3 | brown | 31-May | 31-May | black healthy |
11-May | #4 | white | | | |
11-May | #5 | brown | 31-May | 31-May | orange/brown healthy |
11-May | #6 | green | 31-May | 31-May | yellow/orange healthy |
12-May | #7 | brown | 31-May | 31-May | grey healthy |
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What We Did Different
This batch of eggs we did a few things different.
- We didn't wash the eggs before we put them in the incubator
- We didn't candle the eggs
- We only opened the incubator to rotate the eggs twice a day
- We put the incubator in a less drafty room
- We kept the temperate at just over 100 degrees instead of just under 100 degree
Monday, May 31, 2010
5 Hatchings
My Chicken Tractor
I have built a chicken tractor so the chicks can be outside. The chicks will learn how to find their own food. The chicken tractor is about 3 times as big as their bin, so the chicks can get lots of exercise and have way more space. One side of the roof will have hinges so the roof can fold over so we can reach in and grab the chicks. I will soon build a hen house that can set on top of half of the tractor, it will have a ramp from the house to the ground inside the tractor
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Here’s the update about my experiment
None of the eggs hatched, so we are putting in some more eggs. I think that the shell was too thick, so the chicks couldn’t get out. The humidity level may have been too low, so it may have not softened the shell. We opened up an egg that was not going to make it, it was at 23 days it had a chick that was still alive, but the chick died right away.
This time we aren’t going to open the incubator any more than we have to. We will only open it to rotate them, we won't even to candle the eggs. We went and bought 6 baby chicks that were only a day old. The chicks are so soft and cute, so I am holding them all the time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
No Chicks
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
2nd candling
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Our Eggs Will Be Hatching Soon
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Candling Our Eggs
Friday, April 16, 2010
We will stop rotating 1-5 on the 23rd of April. On the second day after you stop rotating the eggs you can hear the chicks chirping in the egg. We expect the eggs to start hatching around the 25th of April. I myself think that 12 eggs total will hatch because that is a little over half of the eggs, besides 14-22 because I truly do not think they will hatch.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
date | egg # | egg color | fertility test 1 | fertility test 2 | stop rotation | hatching | removed | color & health |
5-Apr | #1 | green | | | 23-Apr | | | |
5-Apr | #2 | white | fertile | | 23-Apr | | | |
5-Apr | #3 | brown | | | 23-Apr | | | |
5-Apr | #4 | white | fertile | | 23-Apr | | | |
5-Apr | #5 | green | | | 23-Apr | | | |
6-Apr | #6 | white | fertile | | 24-Apr | | | |
6-Apr | #7 | green | | | 24-Apr | | | |
6-Apr | #8 | brown | | | 24-Apr | | | |
6-Apr | #9 | brown | | | 24-Apr | | | |
6-Apr | #10 | white | fertile | | 24-Apr | | | |
7-Apr | #11 | brown | | | 25-Apr | | | |
7-Apr | #12 | green | | | 25-Apr | | | |
7-Apr | #13 | brown | | | 25-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 14 | green | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 15 | white | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 16 | white | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 17 | green | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 18 | brown | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 19 | brown | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 20 | brown | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 21 | brown | | | 30-Apr | | | |
12-Apr | 22 | green | | | 30-Apr | | | |
13-Apr | 23 | brown | | | 1-May | | | |
13-Apr | 24 | brown | | | 1-May | | | |
13-Apr | 25 | white | | | 1-May | | | |
13-Apr | 26 | white | | | 1-May | | | |
14-Apr | 27 | white | | | 2-May | | | |
14-Apr | 28 | white | | | 2-May | | | |
14-Apr | 29 | green | | | 2-May | | | |
14-Apr | 30 | brown | | | 2-May | | | |
14-Apr | 31 | green | | | 2-May | | | |