Friday, April 16, 2010

To the right is a new picture of all our eggs. If you look under the eggs you can see that the eggs sit on cut up egg cartons with a hole in the bottom. The eggs sit on the egg cartons so the air can get to all sides of the eggs, and so they don't roll around and break.

We will stop rotating 1-5 on the 23rd of April. On the second day after you stop rotating the eggs you can hear the chicks chirping in the egg. We expect the eggs to start hatching around the 25th of April. I myself think that 12 eggs total will hatch because that is a little over half of the eggs, besides 14-22 because I truly do not think they will hatch.

We have 12 brown eggs, 9 green eggs, and 10 white eggs.


  1. I never thought of an egg as a permeable object. It makes perfect sense though. How else would a little chick breath? I wonder what it is that changes the color of the egg shell. Do some chickens lay spotted eggs?

  2. Hi Braden,
    We also had questions about the egg color. What dictates the color of the egg? Also, once the egg is determined to be fertile, how long before it normally hatches?
    Grammy Barbara

  3. Does the weather effect the hens laying? Do you notice more or less eggs on cold days?
    Grammy Barbara

  4. The egg color depends on the breed of the chicken. There are actually spotted eggs. We have 5 types hens and 2 types of roosters so we have a great variety of eggs.

  5. The egg normally takes between 18 and 21 days to hatch.

  6. The weather doesn't effect the hens laying, it is how much the daylight there is. Egg production depends on if there is 14 hours of daylight, and if they are being fed properly.

  7. I've linked you with Ms. Pearson's fifth grade class at Loma Vista School in Salinas. They should have some good questions for you:)

  8. Heber from Mrs. Pearson's 5th grade class would like to know....
    1. Do the colored eggs taste any different?
    2. Is one color healthier than another color?

  9. The different egg colors have no effect on the taste. The eggs are all the same, they are just different colors. The eggs are different colors because different breeds lay different color eggs.

